Sarah Howorth

Osteopathic Manual Therapist (DOMP)

Osteopathic Manual Therapist

Meet Sarah Howorth, an Osteopathic Manual Therapist (DOMP) who believes in a holistic approach to healing.

Sarah completed her Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of Waterloo and eventually entered a career in law enforcement. After 8 years of being a police officer Sarah rounded out her education at the National Academy of Osteopathy and is excited to begin this new career serving and protecting in a different way!

Osteopathic care not only focuses on acute injuries but there is a focus on chronic pain management through manual therapy. The application of joint mobilization, muscle energy techniques and soft tissue therapy is supported by visceral osteopathic treatments and craniosacral osteopathic treatments.

Osteopathic care can help correct postural imbalances, improve circulation, restore joint function, improve sleep, relieve migraines and headaches, assist with digestive issues, regulate symptoms of PMS or menopause and contribute to an overall sense of well being.

Book now with Sarah and give osteopathic care a try!

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