Joseph Thomas

Registered Physiotherapist


PhysioJoe wants to see everyone living life to the fullest. In the moments where pain is holding you back from this, Physiojoe is around to help you understand the signals coming from your body a little bit better, so that we can minimize the bad days and maximize the good days.

Joe Thomas AKA PhysioJoe is a registered physiotherapist that specializes in neuromuscular physiotherapy. Using the diagnostic skills acquired from his certifications in Neurokinetic Therapy, SFMA and Immaculate Dissection, PhysioJoe can help you understand the root nature of the pains you feel and provide his expertise on the best management strategies to overcame pain and keep you living your best life.

Treatments tool belt- Manual Therapy/Soft tissue release, acupuncture, therapeutic cupping, Injury risk Screening, Headaches management, movement education, self care strategies

Follow PhysioJoe IG- @physiojoe_ Youtube- @physiojoe facebook- @physiojoept

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